The Dream of Particle
A particle, swirling in the cosmos, one day craves earth. It Sees the bridge of duality, guarded by two keepers. And as ever, when duality exists, a situation ariseswhich is comparable with twi humans, sitting in a boat and rowing against each other. The storms of life begin.It is swallowed by the circumstances in which it was born. Though deep in ist soul it bears the memory of ist source: the spirit of nature.
But it is attracted by stronger forces, the structures, the buildings, the complexes, the humans,the multitude; to wit: the anonymity of a metropolis. Out of longing for community, warmth, and safety it joins a circle; but this becomes more narrow and a jail.
The particle flees and chooses the way of the heart. It joins a group of like-minded friends and together they depart for new, far, foreign worlds. But then as it must happen, death enters. The third eye opens, it runs through the spiral of oblivion and time, breaks off from matter and returns where it had originally come: into the cosmos, together with the others.